Getting Found Online
I hope everyone is keeping safe and taking the recommended steps to stay healthy during this Covid-19 outbreak.
I want to let you know that we have heard from our major suppliers, and they have told us that they are committed to doing what is necessary to keep their employees safe while at the same time maintaining the services that are so important to our technology stack.
Due to the nature of our work, our ability to provide you with services has not been impacted at this point. We want you to know we are ready to work with you, and to support you through this very disruptive period.
One of the keys to managing through this will be to stay closer than ever to your customers. Your important customer communications can be made via one or more channels including notices on your website, bulk email, social media, video chat or direct mail. Please let us know as soon as possible how we can assist with your important messaging.
One interesting thing we are seeing is that many of our customers are discovering new opportunities in the wake of these business disruptions. Not opportunities to take advantage, but rather to serve society by providing important and needed services that are in greater demand because of the realities on the ground.
We are also seeing customers that are changing how they do business by innovating in ways that allow for less in-person contact through the increased use of video conferencing and other technologies.
Once everyone is safe, businesses can start to think about what opportunities will arise in the new normal that will come after this has passed - which it will. When we look across our customer base we see, almost without exception, opportunities to innovate and increase competitiveness in both the short and long term.
Please give us a call to discuss how we can support your efforts via a wide range of digital options including eCommerce, web development, bulk email, video conferencing, SEO, online advertising, and social media.
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